Time: 10:00-14:00

Price from: USD 69.00 per person (minimum 2 up to 8)

Set in 3 areas of lush tropical gardens, Red Bridge cooking school is one of highlights to the culinary scene in Hoi An. Meet up with your chef at Hai cafe for a brief introduction then meander through a local market with your chef to enjoy its sight, sound and aroma. It is chance to learn how to select fresh produce and which ingredient put into Central cuisine. Then embark on a 30 min boat trip to the school. Get your camera ready as the cruise offers a glimpse of local river life. Upon arrival at this green space, enjoy a private hands-on cooking class. Dont you know the pleasurable bit of cooking classes is to smell the delicious food being prepared and then getting to eat them?

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    Golf cart is optional except at Ba Na Hills Golf Club. Single cart is subject to availability.